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InUpstate InteractivebyDoug CrescenziMappings in Solidity Explained in Under Two MinutesMappings act as hash tables which consist of key types and corresponding value type pairs. They are defined like any other variable type in…May 23, 20182May 23, 20182
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Devon WesleyPart 2: Deploying smart contracts in the Browser with Web3JS and vanilla JavaScript.The goal is to build out a mini Remix type tool that you can use to interact with your Ganache blockchain instance (formally TestRPC) using…Dec 22, 20172Dec 22, 20172
Devon WesleyPart 1: Compiling smart contracts in the browser with SolcJS and vanilla JavaScript.This is the first in a three part series. The goal is to build a mini Remix type tool that lets you interact with the TestRPC blockchain…Nov 20, 20174Nov 20, 20174
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InPolymath NetworkbySatyam AgrawalUpgradability in an Immutable WorldApplications always need new features in order to meet the demands of their users. So… all you need to do is deploy the new set of smart…Nov 21, 2018Nov 21, 2018
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InCoinmonksbyTom TeradoHow to learn Solidity in 30 daysOver the past month, I spent my free time learning Solidity (Ethereum Smart Contract language). It was a great learning curve.Apr 22, 202111Apr 22, 202111
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IncodeburstbybantegDeep dive into Ethereum logsHey kids, today we are going low level trying to understand how Ethereum events and logs work. Put web3 away for a while as it abstracts…Jan 4, 201813Jan 4, 201813
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